java - difference in mongodb update/upsert performance between collections and capped collections -
i have been playing bit mongodb check performance. have created little test in java 1 small collection:
public class clientword { @id private objectid id; @field(value="client_id") private objectid clientid; private string text; private int value; ....
this document has double compound index:
> db.client_words.getindexes() [ { "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "ns" : "test1.client_words", "name" : "_id_" }, { "v" : 1, "key" : { "client_id" : 1, "text" : 1 }, "unique" : true, "ns" : "test1.client_words", "name" : "client_id_1_text_1" } ]
my test inserts 100.000 documents:
public void test(){ int size = 10; list<objectid> clientids = createclientids(size); t1 = t2 = t3 = new date(); printwithtime("inserting... "); (int i=0; i<10000; i++){ (objectid id : clientids){ mongotemplate.upsert( query.query(criteria.where("text").is("text"+i).and("client_id").is(id)), update.update("text","text"+i).set("client_id",id).inc("value", 3), clientword.class); } if(i%100 == 0){ system.out.printf("\t%6d\t",i*size); printwithtime(""); } } printwithtime("total time: "); system.out.println("total elements in ddbb: "+mongotemplate.count(new query(), clientword.class)); }
i have try code normal , capped collections. normal took more 10 minutes , capped 20 seconds. found capped constant time insertions while normal collections takes longer , longer while collection growing, guess because index size both collections have same indexes...
can explain me why there big difference? trick improve normal collection performance?
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