- How to retrieve value by dynamically added checkbox -

here html code dynamically added checkbox

 <asp:panel id="panel1" runat="server">     <asp:label id="label1" runat="server" text="text catogaries"></asp:label> <br />  <br />     <br />     <asp:repeater id="repeater1" runat="server">         <itemtemplate >          <table>       <td>             <asp:checkbox id="checkbox1" runat="server" text='<%# eval("categoryname") %>'/>             </td>            </table>          </itemtemplate>      </asp:repeater>     <br />   <asp:button id="button1" runat="server" text="button" onclick="button1_click" />     <br />     <br /> </asp:panel> 

here code using behind button retrieve checkbox value

 foreach (control cr in repeater1.controls)         {             // controls within repeater item             foreach (control c in cr.controls)             {                 checkbox chk = c checkbox;                 if (chk != null)                 {                    list.add(chk.text)                 }             } 

problem control not going in if condition adding value in list. how can add value in list.

use below code find checkbox repeater

foreach (repeateritem item in repeater1.items)             {                 if (item.itemtype == listitemtype.item || item.itemtype == listitemtype.alternatingitem)                 {                     var checkbox1 = item.findcontrol("checkbox1") checkbox;                     if (checkbox1 != null)                     {                         // process further                     }                 }             } 


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