mvc 3 - Data Annotation not working with IE8 and telerik grid -
the problem
using telerik grid , ie8, when i'm editing field of grid that's customized data annotations wrong values i'm getting error 500 because it's going server action wrong parameters.
i reading that's because versions of jquery validation have bug, can't solve updating plugins , libraries.
the question
i'll know version of each jquery should use in order solve problem, because maybe i'm not making plugin mixture.
the code
- jquery javascript library v1.7.2
- jquery validation plugin 1.8.1
- unobtrusive ajax support library jquery
the view:
@( html.telerik().grid<zonedata>() .name("zonedatamodel") .toolbar(commands => commands.insert().text("add zone")) .datakeys(keys => keys.add(param => .htmlattributes(new { style = "width: 520px;" }) .norecordstemplate("no existen resultados...") .databinding( databinding => databinding.ajax() .select("selectgrid",, model) .update("updategrid",, model) .insert("insertgrid",, model) .delete("deletegrid",, model) ) .columns(columns => { columns.bound(param => param.code); columns.command(commands => { commands.edit().buttontype(gridbuttontype.image); commands.delete().buttontype(gridbuttontype.image); } ).width(100); }) .editable(editing => editing.mode(grideditmode.inline) .resizable(resizing => resizing.columns(true)) .reorderable(reorder => reorder.columns(true)) )
the model:
public class zonedata { public string id{ get; set; } [range(0, 999,errormessage = " ")] [required(errormessage = " ")] [stringlength(3,errormessage = " ")] public string code { get; set; } }
i solve error these configuration:
- jquery javascript library v1.7.2
- jquery validation plugin 1.11.1
- unobtrusive ajax support library jquery
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