c# - How are files linked in a windows forms application project? -
i'm @ loss how files compiled together, seemingly without referencing each other. started visual studio 2012 , started new project , clicked windows forms application. solution includes following files: form1.designer.cs, assemblyinfo.cs, settings.designer.cs, , resources.resx far can tell. 4 files executed seemingly without references each other. c# execute of files in same directory 1 including main()? if so, how determine order? cannot find information elsewhere.
if examine raw contents of project file (open external editor) see not arbitrary. project "relates files together". in same folder other files named project_name.csproj (for c#)
for closer study of how compilation works in .net suggest trying command line compilers. csc c# , vbc vb.
the format xml , begining this: (even trivially small application have sizeable prj file.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <project defaulttargets="build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" toolsversion="4.0"> <propertygroup> <configuration condition=" '$(configuration)' == '' ">debug</configuration> <platform condition=" '$(platform)' == '' ">anycpu</platform> <productversion>8.0.50727</productversion> <schemaversion>2.0</schemaversion> <projectguid>{37482a08-a668-45c7-a650-37ea2248b1f6}</projectguid> <outputtype>winexe</outputtype> <appdesignerfolder>properties</appdesignerfolder> etc.
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