java - When saving data it stored only first iterated value -
here code:
form<tenantitem> tenantitemform = form(tenantitem.class).bindfromrequest(); string[] itemid = request().body().asformurlencoded().get("idd"); string[] postaction = request().body().asformurlencoded().get("action"); if (postaction == null || postaction.length == 0) { return badrequest("you must provide valid action"); } else { string action = postaction[0]; if ("add".equals(action)) { (string item: itemid){ tenantitemform.get().name = tenantitem.findbyid(item).name; tenantitemform.get().description = tenantitem.findbyid(item).description; tenantitemform.get().image_url = tenantitem.findbyid(item).image_url; tenantitemform.get().price = tenantitem.findbyid(item).price; tenantitemform.get().tenant_id = tenantitemform.get().tenant_id; tenantitemform.get().tenant_location_id = tenantitemform.get().tenant_location_id; tenantitemform.get().tenant_page_id = tenantitemform.get().tenant_page_id; tenantitemform.get().save(); system.out.println("name tenant_id"+tenantitemform.get().name); system.out.println("name tenant_location_id"+tenantitemform.get().tenant_id); system.out.println("name tenant_page_id"+tenantitemform.get().tenant_page_id); } return redirect( routes.project.pts(loc_id,id) ); } else if ("cancel".equals(action)) { system.out.println("delete id:"+id); return ok("deleted"); } else { return badrequest("this action not allowed"); } }
my views.scala:
@helper.form(routes.project.addexist(loc_id,pageid,id,pageid)){ <div class="row-fluid" > <div class="span3"> </div> <div class="span9"> <div class="form-inline" id="options1"> <input type="button" class="btn" id="togglein" value="selectall" onclick="do_thisin()"/> <label class="control-label offset1"> filter name: </label> <input class="span3" type="text" placeholder="enter name"> </div> <ol id="selectable1"> <input type="checkbox" id="selectall" > <input type="hidden" name="tenant_id" value="@id"/> <input type="hidden" name="tenant_location_id" value="@loc_id"/> <input type="hidden" name="tenant_page_id" value="@pageid"/> @for(it <- item){ @if(it.tenant_location_id == locid){ <li> <div class="well"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span1"> <input name="idd" class="case" value="" type="checkbox"> </div> <div class="span5"> <img class="img-polaroid span7" src=""> </div> <dl> <dt> <h4>name:</h4> </dt> <dd> <input type="hidden" name="name" value=""/> <h5></h5> </dd> <dt> <h4>price:</h4> </dt> <dd> <input type="hidden" name="price" value="@it.price"/> <h5>@it.price</h5> <input type="hidden" name="description" value="@it.description"/> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </li> <hr> } } </ol> </div> </div> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="form-inline"> <div class="span5 offset6" > <input type="submit" name="action" class="btn" value="add"/> <input type="submit" name="action" class="btn " value="cancel"> </div> </div> </div> }
my functionality: @views: step:1 -> need select multiple items using checkbox. step:2 -> , have tenant_id,tenant_location_id,tenant_page_id , item_id.
@controller: step:3 -> need values using bind request, , have find item name,description,price using item_id , @model. step:4 -> have store selected values(based on length in checkbox).
when saving data stored first iterated value , not stored remaining selected values. don't know happening, , have checked data receiving , saving 1 time
thanks help.
this code maybe hint you:
form<tenantitem> tenantitemform = form(tenantitem.class).bindfromrequest(); tenantitem tenantitem = tenantitemform.get(); // bind tenantitem object string[] itemid = request().body().asformurlencoded().get("idd"); string[] postaction = request().body().asformurlencoded().get("action"); if (postaction == null || postaction.length == 0) { ... // code } else { ... // code if ("add".equals(action)) { // declare new variable store data submitted tenantitem tenanttobesaved; (string item: itemid) { // asign item object? tenanttobesaved = new tenantitem(); item item_assigned = tenantitem.findbyid(item) =; tenanttobesaved.description = item_assigned.description; tenanttobesaved.image_url = item_assigned.image_url; tenanttobesaved.price = item_assigned.price; tenanttobesaved.tenant_id = tenantitem.tenant_id; tenanttobesaved.tenant_location_id = tenantitem.tenant_location_id; tenanttobesaved.tenant_page_id = tenantitem.tenant_page_id;; ... // rest of code } } }
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