c# - Disable an item in the Dropdownlist in my MVC3 -

i have mvc3 application. want disable particular item in dropdown list based on condition.

@html.dropdownlist("reportname", model.reporttypes, new { style = "color:black; float:left; padding:5px;", @id = "reporttype" })          @if (model.numcount > 500)          {            // disable item value = "rc-report";          } 

populate list of selectlistitemextends, , pass on viewbag:

viewbag.list = new biz().listsmall()                 .select(s => new selectlistitemextends()                 {                     text = s.dsc,                     value = s.id,                     enabled = s.is_active                 }).toarray(); 

in view use:

@html.dropdownlist("id", viewbag.list ienumerable<selectlistitemextends>, new { }) 

create file htmlhelperextensions.cs:

using system.collections.generic; using system.web.routing;  namespace system.web.mvc.html {     public static class htmlhelperextensions     {         public static mvchtmlstring dropdownlist(this htmlhelper htmlhelper, string name, ienumerable<selectlistitemextends> selectlist, object htmlattributes)//, func<object, bool> itemdisabled)         {             //creating select element using tagbuilder class create dropdown.             tagbuilder dropdown = new tagbuilder("select");             //setting name , id attribute name parameter passed method.             dropdown.attributes.add("name", name);             dropdown.attributes.add("id", name);              var options = "";             tagbuilder option;             //iterated on ienumerable list.             foreach (var item in selectlist)             {                 option = new tagbuilder("option");                 option.mergeattribute("value", item.value.tostring());                  if (item.enabled == false)                     option.mergeattribute("disabled", "disabled");                  if (item.propextends != null)                     option.mergeattributes(item.propextends);                  option.setinnertext(item.text);                 options += option.tostring(tagrendermode.normal) + "\n";             }             //assigned options dropdown using innerhtml property.             dropdown.innerhtml = options.tostring();             //assigning attributes passed htmlattributes object.             dropdown.mergeattributes(new routevaluedictionary(htmlattributes));             //returning entire select or dropdown control in htmlstring format.             return mvchtmlstring.create(dropdown.tostring(tagrendermode.normal));          }     }     public class selectlistitemextends : selectlistitem     {         public bool enabled { get; set; }         public idictionary<string, string> propextends { get; set; }     } } 

the result is:

<select name="id" id="id">     <option value="430">object 1</option>     <option value="5c7" disabled="disabled">object 2</option> </select> 


julio spader



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