html - Overriding ASP.NET DropDownList width for responsive website -

if there's case using mvc responsive websites, it:

i'm working on site webforms, undergoing redesign use responsive markup. impractical convert mvc, have make existing controls.

on particular form page, have 2 combo-boxes on same row; these have css classes appropriately set specify width @ 48% of parent element. trouble since we're using asp:dropdownlist, control rendered style attribute having width:275px;, overrides width set in css class.

in codebehind of composite control containing these dropdownlists (particularly renderchildren method override), i've tried calling [control].style.clear(); prior calling base method. has no effect; adding:

[control].style.add(htmltextwriterstyle.width, "inherit"); 

causes element rendered as:

<select style="width:275px;width:inherit;" class="input-half first" id="longandcomplicated" name="longandcomplicated"> 

note 2 width declarations, when ideally there shouldn't style attribute in first place.

i've had poke in reflector @ source, , couldn't find hard-coded width being set; gather style setters being copied somewhere further hierarchy.

as lucky guess, tried:

  • setting width empty string on <asp:dropdownlist> ("inherit" causes parse error)
  • explicitly specifying width="48%"
  • setting enabletheming="false"

none of these has had positive effect, rendered style attribute still having width:275px;.

where width magically being set from? how can override behaviour, ideally without having create derived class inheriting system.web.ui.webcontrols.dropdownlist?

many thanks.

i have better idea, fix width , do not inherit width, inherit width parent , over-ride width element defined width:275px; meaning less.

i have created fiddle, works fine in chrome, select tag has fixed width,

if sub element size increase automatically grow.

please check fiddle

if question referring css class class="input-half first" style defined in element style 1 applied @ last , have high priority compare class, better create new class, , assign it.

hope, have answered in right context have written many things reference control, don't think should problem in majority cases.


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