javascript - Which is the right way to set ExtJS 4.2 in scope CSS mode? -

it seems extjs 4.2 doesn't include scoped css. so, when apply extjs render grid, page gets ruined. i've checked link: how scope reset css applied ext components using scoperesetcss property?

i wonder if there way of make scope reset css or method want in extjs 4.2.

@sencha explains fix in this link.

extjs v4.1.1 or v4.2.1     ext = {             buildsettings:{             basecssprefix: 'x-',             scoperesetcss: true                         }     };  extjs v4.2.0     ext.define('ext.borderboxfix', {         override: 'ext.abstractcomponent',           initstyles: function(targetel) {             this.callparent(arguments);               if (ext.isborderbox && (!me.ownerct || me.floating)) {                 targetel.addcls(ext.basecssprefix + 'border-box');             }         }     });       ext.onready(function() { + 'border-box');     }); 


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