c# - umbraco string trim using razor view -

i have umbraco script im using on site, inside there razor script below:


the above in loop, , shows content each post (its being used on landing page blog functionality)

i want trim content outputed getpropery() method 300 charectors.

anyone have ideas?

also, word opposite of concatenate?

you write custom helper:

public static class htmlextensions {     public static string truncate(this htmlhelper html, string value, int count)     {         if (string.isnullorempty(value))         {             return string.empty;         }          if (value.length > count)         {             value = value.substring(0, count - 1) + "...";         }          return value;     } } 

which used this:

<p>@html.truncate(page.getproperty("maincontent"), 300)</p> 

also, word opposite of concatenate?



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