c# - Now overload for method 'Show'takes 2 argument -

i'm working on code-editor , make mouseevent rightclick code:

if (e.button == mousebuttons.right) {                      lbright.show(cursor.position.x, cursor.position.y);       lbright.bringtofront();                } 

but problem everytime runs 'overload method' error appears , pointing .show(cursor.position.x, cursor.position.y);

how can avoid it? well-appreciated thanks!

if use contextmenu , use overload of .show(control, point) offset should menu showing:

if (e.button == mousebuttons.right) {                    // build new contextmenu menu items, let's use copy , paste     contextmenu ctxrightclick = new contextmenu(new menuitem[]     {         new menuitem("copy"),         new menuitem("paste")     });      // per documentation, point used .show relative control pass in calculate offset mouse position     int xoffset = cursor.position.x - myform.location.x;     int yoffset = cursor.position.y - myform.location.y;      // show context menu child of myform @ specified offset     ctxrightclick.show(myform, new point(xoffset, yoffset)); } 


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