java - Fix Protocol Error : Field [5232] was not found in message -

i using quickfix , stunnel connect server rsa private key.

when sending market data request(msgtype=v), getting following error

8=fix.4.49=14735=y34=55349=abcd52=20130513-03:23:23.24356=abcdefghi58=field [5232] not found in message.262=85ee75f8-ab5d-4aff-b87d-108b74d3281=010=53

i searched , found this link 5232 currency field

so passed currency value 5232 below

message message = new message(); ................ message.setfield(5232, new quickfix.field.currency("eur")); ................ session.sendtotarget(message, sessid); 

but when checked code of outgoing message, found field 5232 automatically converted '15=eur', , again giving error 'field [5232] not found in message'

can point out missing here ?

i bit confused field number regardless error making request must have group , currency field must in group.

here example:

    marketdatarequest marketdatarequest = new marketdatarequest();     string reqid = symbol+new date().gettime();  //unique id     marketdatarequest.setstring(mdreqid.field,reqid); // set id     char requesttype = subscriptionrequesttype.snapshot_plus_updates;        marketdatarequest.setchar(subscriptionrequesttype.field,requesttype); // set update type     marketdatarequest.setint(marketdepth.field, 0);     marketdatarequest.setint(mdupdatetype.field, 0);      marketdatarequest.nomdentrytypes entrytypes = new marketdatarequest.nomdentrytypes();  // create group request both bid , offers     entrytypes.set(new mdentrytype(;      marketdatarequest.addgroup(entrytypes);     entrytypes.set(new mdentrytype(mdentrytype.offer));     marketdatarequest.addgroup(entrytypes);      marketdatarequest.norelatedsym norelatedsym = new marketdatarequest.norelatedsym(); // create group add list of symbols     norelatedsym.set(new symbol(getsymbol(symbol)));     marketdatarequest.addgroup(norelatedsym); 

as can see fields must first entered group , message. there should dictionary definition called fix44.xml show structure of message. in quickfix/etc/ directory.


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