plone - custom field wont save data -

this continuation this question. have used collective.examples.userdata , added 'position' text field user registration form. problem when go /@@personal-information page, fill in field , hit 'save', shows field again , blank. don't appear able save information field. have tried running instance in foreground mode can't see outputted when trying save new information.

i don't know if this'll when try make use of following tales statement:

tal:define="membership context/portal_membership;             info python:membership.getmemberinfo(user.getid());" 

and then:


i following traceback:

traceback (innermost last):   module zpublisher.publish, line 126, in publish   module zpublisher.mapply, line 77, in mapply   module zpublisher.publish, line 46, in call_object   module shared.dc.scripts.bindings, line 322, in __call__   module shared.dc.scripts.bindings, line 359, in _bindandexec   module products.pagetemplates.zopepagetemplate, line 334, in _exec   module products.pagetemplates.zopepagetemplate, line 431, in pt_render   module products.pagetemplates.pagetemplate, line 79, in pt_render   module zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplate, line 113, in pt_render   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 271, in __call__   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 888, in do_usemacro   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 533, in do_opttag_tal   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 518, in do_opttag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 513, in no_tag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 954, in do_defineslot   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 533, in do_opttag_tal   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 518, in do_opttag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 513, in no_tag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 858, in do_definemacro   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 954, in do_defineslot   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 533, in do_opttag_tal   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 518, in do_opttag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 513, in no_tag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 954, in do_defineslot   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 533, in do_opttag_tal   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 518, in do_opttag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 513, in no_tag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 946, in do_defineslot   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 533, in do_opttag_tal   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 518, in do_opttag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 513, in no_tag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 858, in do_definemacro   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 533, in do_opttag_tal   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 518, in do_opttag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 513, in no_tag   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 343, in interpret   module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 620, in do_inserttext_tal   module products.pagetemplates.expressions, line 225, in evaluatetext   module zope.tales.tales, line 696, in evaluate    - url: /mysite/portal_skins/custom/home_page_view    - line 32, column 11    - expression: <pathexpr standard:u'info/position'>    - names:       {'container': <plonesite @ /mysite>,        'context': <atdocument @ /mysite/front-page>,        'default': <object object @ 0x7f1c681eeb30>,        'here': <atdocument @ /mysite/front-page>,        'loop': {},        'nothing': none,        'options': {'args': ()},        'repeat': <products.pagetemplates.expressions.safemapping object @ 0x9540260>,        'request': <httprequest, url=http://dan-apache:8080/mysite/front-page/home_page_view>,        'root': <application @ >,        'template': <zopepagetemplate @ /mysite/home_page_view used /mysite/front-page>,        'traverse_subpath': [],        'user': <propertieduser 'dan'>}   module zope.tales.expressions, line 217, in __call__   module products.pagetemplates.expressions, line 147, in _eval   module zope.tales.expressions, line 124, in _eval   module products.pagetemplates.expressions, line 77, in boboawarezopetraverse   module zope.traversing.adapters, line 136, in traversepathelement    - __traceback_info__: ({'language': '', 'description': '', 'username': 'dan', 'has_email': false, 'location': '', 'fullname': '', 'home_page': ''}, 'position')   module zope.traversing.adapters, line 50, in traverse    - __traceback_info__: ({'language': '', 'description': '', 'username': 'dan', 'has_email': false, 'location': '', 'fullname': '', 'home_page': ''}, 'position', []) locationerror: ({'language': '', 'description': '', 'username': 'dan', 'has_email': false, 'location': '', 'fullname': '', 'home_page': ''}, 'position') 

any thoughts appreciated!

okay fyi else experiencing this, went zmi, went portal_memberdata , added text position field had been created add-on.. upon clicking save see information in /@@personal-information form, able update on per-user basis.


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