php - SQL INSERT query being executed twice -

i'm @ wit's end here. i've tried in different browsers , still same trigger error message notice: duplicate entry key 'primary' however, it's still inserting database. think page simultaneously executing twice. code never reaches block stores session data. insight appreciated!

            <?php                                if($_post[submit])                 {                                        $username = "";                     $password = "";                     $hostname = "";                     $dbname = "";                      //connection database:                     $db = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname, '3306')                     or die("unable connect mysql");                      $id = !empty($_post[id]) ? "'$_post[id]'" : "null";                     $fname = !empty($_post[fname]) ? "'$_post[fname]'" : "null";                     $lname = !empty($_post[lname]) ? "'$_post[lname]'" : "null";                          $sql = "insert table(id, fname, lname)                                 values ($id, $fname, $lname)";                      $result = $db->query($sql) or trigger_error($db->error);                      if ($result && $db->affected_rows > 0)                     {                         // store session data                         $_session['fileid']=$id;                         echo 'creating file '.$id.'<br/>                             <a href = "parttwo.php" class="button">continue</a>';                     }                     else                         echo "no changes made.";                 }                                else                      echo '<form method="post" action="createfile.php">                             <div><span class = "formlabel">file number:</span><input type="text" name="id"></div>                             <div><span class = "formlabel">first name:</span><input type="text" name="fname"></div>                             <div><span class = "formlabel">last name:</span><input type="text" name="lname"></div>                             <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">                         </form>';             ?> 

instead of if($_post[submit]) use if(isset($_post[submit]))


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