c++ - Unit-testing MPI Programs with gtest -

i'm parallelizing existent application uses gtest mpi. in mpi programs, first thing initialize environment call

mpi_init( int *argc, char ***argv ) 

at end of mpi program root process should call mpi_finalize. how can write unit-tests such application using google test?

in particular, how access argc, , argv tests before gtest modifies them.

right i'm doing:

int argc = 0; char** argv = null; boost::mpi::environment env(argc,argv);  test(component_test, test_name) {   // stuff using mpi } 

and feels wrong.

are sure want access argc , argv values before googletest? modified remove googletest specific arguments such --gtest_filter application not see them.

i think want using following snippet main:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     int result = 0;      ::testing::initgoogletest(&argc, argv);     mpi_init(&argc, &argv);     result = run_all_tests();     mpi_finalize();      return result; } 


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