configuration - RequireJS Text Plugin installed with Bower -

how should using requirejs-text installed via bower? supposed put in baseurl wonder if use components/requirejs-text/? whats best practice?

define path plugin in config:

requirejs.config({     paths: {         "text" : "components/requirejs-text/text"     } }, 

and use in module documented on

require(["some/module", "text!some/module.html", "text!some/module.css"],     function(module, html, css) {         //the html variable text         //of some/module.html file         //the css variable text         //of some/module.css file.     } ); 

you can use technically use plugin without path definition in requirejs.config, propbably not best practice:

require(["your_path_to_the_plugin_from_baseurl/without_js_at_the_end!some/textfile"],     function(yourtextfile) {     } ); 


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