angularjs - Angular directive: How to make assign value to parent scope? -

i have controller appctrl

scope.transaction = {} 

the index looks like

  <div class="control-group">     <label class="control-label">date</label>      <div class="controls">       <div class="control-group input-append date form_datetime">         <date-time-picker data-ng-model=""></date-time-picker>       </div>     </div>   </div>   <div class="control-group">     <label class="control-label">amount</label>      <div class="controls">       <div class="input-append">         <input type="text" name="transactionamount" ng-model="transaction.amount" required>       </div> 

and custom directive looks like

angular.module('customdirectives', []).directive('datetimepicker', function() {       return {         restrict: 'e',         replace: true,         scope: {           transaction['date']: '=' # compilation error here         },         template: '<div class="control-group input-append date form_datetime">'+           '<input type="text"  readonly data-date-format="yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii" name="transactiondate" ng-model="" data-date-time required>'+           '<span class="add-on"><em class="icon-remove"></em></span>'+           '<span class="add-on"><em class="icon-th"></em></span>'+           '</div>',         link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngmodel) {           var input = element.find('input');            element.datetimepicker({             format: "yyyy-mm-ddthh:ii:ssz",             showmeridian: true,             autoclose: true,             todaybtn: true,             pickerposition: 'bottom-left'           });            element.bind('blur keyup change', function(){             console.log('binding element');             scope.$apply(date);           });            function date() {             console.log('setting date',input.val());             scope.ngmodel = input.val();           }            date(); // initialize         }       }   }); 

i want assign date value directive $ failing compilation error, how can achieve this?

scope: {       transaction['date']: '=' # compilation error here     }, 


scope: {       transactiondate: '='     }, 


<date-time-picker data-ng-model=""></date-time-picker> 

should be

<date-time-picker transaction-date=""></date-time-picker> 

then within directive can call scope.transactiondate = myvalue;

within scope.$apply();

edit: if want use ng-model within directive can use

.... restrict: 'e', require: '?ngmodel', .... 


controller.$setviewvalue(value); //this in directive code want set value of ng-model bound variable. 

in html

 <date-time-picker data-ng-model=""></date-time-picker> 


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