sublimetext2 - Ignoring single line marked as incorrect by Sublime CodeIntel -

i'm using sublime python project. have dictionary comprehension so:

inv_map = {v:k k, v in map.items()} 

codeintel marking "invalid syntax" error, correct , runs without trouble.

how can tell codeintel ignore specific line?

dictionary comprehension (feature using) python 2.7+.

    inv_map = {v:k k, v in map.items()} 

internally sublimelinter runs python command line programs called pep8 (pep8 package name pep-8 guideline checks , pyflakes. due architecture of sublimelinter, running them may limited python 2.x targets, python version embedded sublime text.

relevant sublimelinter source code here:

the error in question can come pep8 or pyflakes.

pyflakes not offer documentation how make ignore lines. not possible, suggestion in answers of question how pyflakes ignore statement? not use pyflakes.

pep8 offers global error , warning ignores, not on per-file or per-line basis.


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