android - Need to set column label dynamically in JFreeChart -

please see attached screeshot. want set label dynamically x axis. says test1,test2,test3,test4..if want set category array dynamically how can that? mean want set category house expense,office rent, food...etc. here screenshot , code. 

here bar chart code. see line between 86-90. 

can me that? if not clear please ask.

thanks in advance.

replace createdataset() this:

private static categorydataset createdataset() {     defaultcategorydataset dataset = new defaultcategorydataset();     dataset.addvalue(40.0,"expediture","house");     dataset.addvalue(30.0,"expediture","office rent");     dataset.addvalue(-20.5,"expediture","food");     dataset.addvalue(30.0,"expediture","other");     dataset.addvalue(6.0,"expediture","etc");     return dataset; } 

enter image description here


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