How to update document in sqlite database & phone storage in Android? -

i building app in android using web services. trying synchronization function. getting properties web server , have 1 boolean value it, if boolean true update downloaded document.

but stuck on here either need first delete document , replace or can directly replace document. code this:

soapobject docresponse = (soapobject)envelope.getresponse();             log.i("uspdated documentss", docresponse.tostring());            for(int i=0; < docresponse.getpropertycount(); i++)         {             soapobject singlesubfolder = (soapobject)docresponse.getproperty(i);                     id = singlesubfolder.getproperty(0).tostring();             filelongname = singlesubfolder.getproperty(1).tostring();             userfilename = singlesubfolder.getproperty(2).tostring();             url = singlesubfolder.getproperty(3).tostring();             fileextension = singlesubfolder.getproperty(4).tostring();             lastmodifieddate = singlesubfolder.getproperty(5).tostring();             subjecttype = singlesubfolder.getproperty(6).tostring();             isupdated = singlesubfolder.hasproperty("isupdated");             db = new dms_database(context);             if(isupdated==true)             {   // how perform replace function database here???  // there need of download manager again download new folder phone storage or database???              downloadmanager.request request = new downloadmanager.request(uri.parse(url));             request.settitle(userfilename);             // in order if run, must use android 3.2 compile app                 if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb)                  {                     request.allowscanningbymediascanner();                     request.setnotificationvisibility(downloadmanager.request.visibility_visible_notify_completed);                 }                     request.setdestinationinexternalpublicdir(environment.directory_downloads + "/downloads", userfilename);                     downloadmanager manager = (downloadmanager)activtyclass.mact.getsystemservice(context.download_service);                     manager.enqueue(request);             }             db.close();         } }        catch(exception e)      {         e.printstacktrace();         toast.maketext(context, " network exception : " + e                 + "please check network connectivity.", toast.length_long).show();     } 

database:this database right???

public void update_doc(string id, string name, string url) { sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase(); contentvalues updatenote = new contentvalues(); updatenote.put(document_id, id); updatenote.put(document_name, name); updatenote.put(document_url, url); db.update(document_table, updatenote, document_id + "=?" , new string[]    {string.valueof(id)}); } 

public void update_doc(string id, string name, string url) {     sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();     contentvalues updatenote = new contentvalues();     updatenote.put(document_id, id);     updatenote.put(document_name, name);     updatenote.put(document_url, url);     long id = db.insertwithonconflict(document_table, null, updatenote,  sqlitedatabase.conflict_ignore);     if (id == -1)      {         db.update(document_table, updatenote, document_id + "=?" , new string[]    {string.valueof(id)});     }  } 


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