java - Timeout updating DB2 table -

i doing update db2 table (java code):

// code  ripped out brevity... sql.append("update " + table_threads + " "); sql.append("set status = ? "); sql.append("where id = ?");  conn = getconn(); pstmt = conn.preparestatement(sql.tostring()); int idx1 = 0; pstmt.setint(++idx1, status); pstmt.setint(++idx1, id); int rowsupdated = pstmt.executeupdate(); return rowsupdated; 

after long while, rollback , error message:

unsuccessful execution caused deadlock or timeout. reason code 00c9008e, type of resource 00000302, , resource name some.thing.x'000002'. sqlcode=-913, sqlstate=57033, driver=3.57.82

the documentation error -913 says reason code means timeout. resource type, 00000302 table space page, , not recognize resource name @ all.

when run sql itself, works fine:

update my.threads set status = 1 id = 156 

i can select , see status has been updated. (although when run sql during long wait period before timeout, have same issue. takes forever , cancel it).

there several things happening in transaction , don't see other updates table or record. there create/delete triggers on table, no update triggers. don't see selects cursors, or weird isolation level changes. don't see else in transaction cause this.

why getting error? else should in transaction?


i stepped through code beginning of request gets 'stuck'. seems if there 2 dao's , both of them creating transaction. think might problem.

sorry answer own question, found out problem. homemade framework dao keeps track of it's own connection.

conn = getconn(); 

this return same connection each dao method while in explicit transaction.

while stepping through code, found out method calling in transaction creating new transaction, new dao, , therefore new db connection. have 2 transactions open , 2 connections. it's easy see @ point, in fact deadlocking myself.

this caught me little surprise since previous app worked on allowed nested transactions. (using same db connection both transactions)


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