jquery - bootstrap modal loading content via remote url, wait for modal to fully load content until being shown -

i'm able load content via remote url bootstrap modal, problem modal window opens up, content not loaded.

once content loaded body of modal updated , height expands fit content of modal.

however, i'd display modal once content loaded, , maybe display animated gif while modal loading.

i've looked @ docs, didn't see there maybe callback once modal loaded. hoping maybe keep modal hidden until callback fired , show it. how can this?

i got above comments. stored remote urls anchor tags trigger popup using data attribute ('data-href') anchors class name 'popup-links' using following javascript:

$jq191('.popup-links').on( 'click', function( e ){     var remote= $jq191( ).data( 'href' );     $jq191('.modal-body').load( remote, function( e ){         $jq191( '#mymodal' ).modal( 'show' );     }); }); 


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