Checking Wordpress core files -

is there script or can check if core files installed properly. installing wordpress site on clients hosting, , reason around 100 files not transferred due connection time out. moving them 1 one, still check somehow, once done, files transferred there , size more 0b.


since using filezilla, drag , drop files again folder.

then when file exists message shows up, pick overwrite if different size , check apply current queue only. ones different sizes (or ones weren't transferred) overwritten/updated.

there's easier way:

if have access kind of control panel cpanel, can make .zip file , upload via filezilla.

then on cpanel, go file explorer , unzip there. faster , have upload 1 file (rather opening tons of connections , giving timeout).

or if have shell access, can login key using terminal(mac) or putty(win), browse folder , run unzip command.


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