codeigniter - Datatables do not show -

i'm newbie jquery , ajax, found example combination using codeigniter , datatables. did try same way example datatables didn't show.


class user extends ci_controller {     private $content;     private $data;     function __construct(){         parent::__construct();         $this->load->model('usermodel');         $this->init();     }     function init(){         if( $this->session->userdata('username') == '' ) redirect('auth');         $this->data['username'] = $this->session->userdata('username');     }      function index(){         //$this->content = $this->load->view('userlistview', null, true);         $this->content = 'users';         $this->data['content'] = $this->content;         //$this->data['users'] = json_encode($this->usermodel->getdatatable());         $this->load->view('home', $this->data);     }      function data() {         //print_r($this->usermodel->getdatatable());         echo json_encode($this->usermodel->getdatatable());         exit;     } 


class usermodel extends ci_model {     function getlistall(){         $strsql = "select * mst_user";         $qdata = $this->db->query($strsql);         return $qdata;     }      function getsingle($user_id){         $strsql = "select * mst_user id = '" . $user_id . "'";         $qdata = $this->db->query($strsql);         return $qdata;     }     function getdatatable() {         $stable   = "mst_user";         $acolumns = array( 'id', 'username', 'fullname', 'email');         $sindexcolumn = "id";          /*          * paging          */         $slimit = "";         if ( isset( $_post['idisplaystart'] ) && $_post['idisplaylength'] != '-1' ){             $slimit = "limit ".addslashes( $_post['idisplaystart'] ).", " . addslashes( $_post['idisplaylength'] );          }         /*            * ordering            */         $sorder = "";         if ( isset( $_post['isortcol_0'] ) )         {             $sorder = "order  ";             ( $i=0 ; $i<intval( $_post['isortingcols'] ) ; $i++ )             {                 if ( $_post[ 'bsortable_'.intval($_post['isortcol_'.$i]) ] == "true" )                 {                     $sorder .= "`".$acolumns[ intval( $_post['isortcol_'.$i] ) ]."` ".                         addslashes( $_post['ssortdir_'.$i] ) .", ";                 }             }              $sorder = substr_replace( $sorder, "", -2 );             if ( $sorder == "order by" )             {                 $sorder = "";             }         }         /*            * filtering            * note not match built-in datatables filtering            * word word on field. it's possible here, concerned efficiency            * on large tables, , mysql's regex functionality limited            */         $swhere = "";         if ( isset($_post['ssearch']) && $_post['ssearch'] != "" )         {             $swhere = "where (";             ( $i=0 ; $i<count($acolumns) ; $i++ )             {                 $swhere .= "`".$acolumns[$i]."` '%".addslashes( $_post['ssearch'] )."%' or ";             }             $swhere = substr_replace( $swhere, "", -3 );             $swhere .= ')';         }         //echo $swhere;exit;           /* individual column filtering */         ( $i=0 ; $i<count($acolumns) ; $i++ )         {             if ( isset($_post['bsearchable_'.$i]) && $_post['bsearchable_'.$i] == "true" && $_post['ssearch_'.$i] != '' )             {                 if ( $swhere == "" )                 {                     $swhere = "where ";                 }                 else                 {                     $swhere .= " , ";                 }                 $swhere .= "`".$acolumns[$i]."` '%".addslashes($_post['ssearch_'.$i])."%' ";             }         }           /*            * sql queries            * data display            */         $squery = "select sql_calc_found_rows `".str_replace(" , ", " ", implode("`, `", $acolumns))."` $stable $swhere $sorder $slimit";         //$rresult = mysql_query( $squery, $gasql['link'] ) or die(mysql_error());         $stmt = $this->db->query($squery);         //$stmt->setfetchmode(zend_db::fetch_both);         $rresult = $stmt->result_array();         //return $rresult;         //echo $squery;exit;          /* data set length after filtering */         $squery = " select found_rows() fr";         //$rresultfiltertotal = mysql_query( $squery, $gasql['link'] ) or die(mysql_error());         $stmt = $this->db->query($squery);         //$stmt->setfetchmode(zend_db::fetch_both);         //$aresultfiltertotal = mysql_fetch_array($rresultfiltertotal);         $aresultfiltertotal = $stmt->result();         //return $aresultfiltertotal;         //$aresultfiltertotal = $stmt->fetchall();         $ifilteredtotal = $aresultfiltertotal[0]->fr;         //echo $ifilteredtotal;exit;         //print_r($aresultfiltertotal);exit;          /* total data set length */         $squery = "select count(`".$sindexcolumn."`) total $stable";         //$rresulttotal = mysql_query( $squery, $gasql['link'] ) or die(mysql_error());         //echo $squery;exit;         $stmt = $this->db->query($squery);         //$stmt->setfetchmode(zend_db::fetch_both);         //$aresulttotal = mysql_fetch_array($rresulttotal);         $aresulttotal = $stmt->result();         $itotal = $aresulttotal[0]->total;         //echo $itotal;exit;           /*            * output            */         /* if(isset($_post['secho'])) $secho = intval($_post['secho']);      else $secho = '';*/         $output = array(             "secho" => intval($_post['secho']),             "itotalrecords" => $itotal,             "itotaldisplayrecords" => $ifilteredtotal,             "aadata" => array()         );          foreach ($rresult $arow)         {             $row = array();             ( $i=0 ; $i<count($acolumns) ; $i++ )             {                 if ( $acolumns[$i] == "version" )                 {                     /* special output formatting 'version' column */                     $row[] = ($arow[ $acolumns[$i] ]=="0") ? '-' : $arow[ $acolumns[$i] ];                 }                 else if ( $acolumns[$i] != ' ' )                 {                     /* general output */                     $row[] = $arow[ $acolumns[$i] ];                 }             }             $output['aadata'][] = $row;         }         return $output;     }  } 


<script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function() {         $(".button").button();         $('#table_list').datatable({             "bjqueryui": true,             "bserverside": true,             "sservermethod": "post",             "spaginationtype": "full_numbers",             "sajaxsource": "<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/user/data"         });     }); </script> <?php //echo $users;?> <form class="form_element" action="">     <div id="content_header"><h2>user - list</h2></div>     <div style="float:right;padding-bottom:5px">         <input type="button" value="create new record" onclick="window.location='user/form/add'" class="button">     </div>     <hr>      <table id="table_list">         <thead>         <tr>             <td>id</td>             <td width="200">user name</td>             <td>full name</td>             <td>email</td>         </tr>         </thead>         <tbody>         </tbody>     </table> </form> 

home view

<html> <head> <title>admin mos template</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="copyright" content=""> <meta name="description" content="admin mos template"> <meta name="keywords" content="admin page"> <meta name="author" content=""> <meta name="language" content="bahasa indonesia">  <link rel="shortcut icon" href="stylesheet/img/devil-icon.png"> <!--pemanggilan gambar favicon--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url();?>include/mos_admin/mos-css/mos-style.css"> <!--pemanggilan file css--> <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>include/css/jquery.datatables.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>include/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.19.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>include/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>include/js/jquery.datatables.min.js"></script> </head>  <body> <?php //print_r($users); //echo $strformtype; ?> <div id="header">     <div class="inheader">         <div class="mosadmin">             <?php $this->load->view('headerview');?>         </div>         <div class="clear"></div>     </div> </div>  <div id="wrapper">     <div id="leftbar">         <?php $this->load->view('leftbarview'); ?>     </div>      <div id="rightcontent">         <?php         if($content == 'changepass'){             $this->load->view('changepassview');         }         else if($content == 'form'){             $this->load->view('userformview');         }         else if($content == 'users'){             $this->load->view('userlistview');         }         else{             $this->load->view('rightcontentview');         }         ?>     </div>      <div class="clear"></div>      <div id="footer">         <?php $this->load->view('footerview'); ?>     </div> </div> </body> </html> 

are chance confusing 'data' object in $this->data data method have there (function data() etc)? using ajax , need use js code well, jquery:

$(document).ready(function() {     $('#element_trigger_ajax').click(function(){              var my_url = 'your url';//             params = {elem_id:$('#some_param').val()};                 $.ajax({                     async:false,                     type:'post',                     url: my_url,                     data:params,                     success: function(resp){                         # load response data method in user controller within element container div                         $('div#element_container_that_will_change').html(resp);                     }                 });       });    });  


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