javascript - backbone model cannot fetch any data -

here're simplified codes

var playermodel = backbone.model.extend();  var playerprofileview = backbone.view.extend({ model : new playermodel({url: ""}), render: function(){ this.model.fetch(); } }); 

the system keeps giving me error message

uncaught error: "url" property or function must specified

i totally have no idea what's wrong code.

here's backbone#model's constructor:

var model = backbone.model = function(attributes, options) { 

so see, options should given second argument. here you're passing url attribute (try this.get('url') verify that).

change to:

model : new playermodel(null, {url: ""}); 

another thing:

also, declaring new object in class definition (new playermodel({url: ""}),) result in having single instance of object shared objects (ie playerprofileview share single instance of playermodel). reason behind it's evaluated when class created , put in prototype of class.


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