How to use remote paths in gitlab ci? -

i installed githubhq in 1 server , gitlabci in server. need integration between gitlabhq , gitlabci. when go add new project in gitlabci requests path .git project, project on server gitlabhq.

i tried use path remote, like: http://[domain-name]/[user]/[project].git not accept.

i researched how gitlabci search path , found not support remote paths. use "" project on server.

does know way use paths .git remotes in gitlabci?

as illustrated issue 36:

actually purpose of gitlab-ci implies install on deployment point. install deploy project

so supposed use local non-bare repo.

you could, in case, clone remote repo on gitlab-ci server, , use local path.

in order build integration between gitlab , gitlab-ci:

  1. add gitlab_ci user git group read access
  2. clone project via git clone /home/git/repositories somewhere /home/gitlab_ci/projects/...
  3. add project ci.
  4. setup gitlabhq use ci service

thats all.
on gitlab push trigger gitlab ci make git fetch origin, testing repo date.


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