rails asset pipeline production precompile -

i have directory projname/vendor/assets/bootstrap/css/ in production mode. production.rb contains: config.assets.precompile << /(^[^_\/]|\/[^_])[^\/]*$/ when run rake assets:precompile projname/public/assets/css/ want projname/public/assets/bootstrap/css/ not understand why bootstrap directory not there. top level directories under vendor/assets , app/assets missing in public assets/

compiled assets written location specified in config.assets.prefix. default, public/assets directory.

to understand have first understand precompiling , does. let me explain

when run (a rake task)

rake assets:precompile 

it create public folder inside application folder compile asset manifests (ie. application.css , application.js)

how happen ?? -> rails comes bundled rake task compile this. rake task shown above.

compiled assets written location specified in config.assets.prefix. default, public/assets directory.

the default matcher compiling files includes application.js, application.css , non-js/css files (this include image assets automatically) app/assets folders including gems.

and thats regex means (to include in app/assets folder), can explicitly provide shown in answer above.

hope helped.

here few links reference




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