setinterval - jquery check every 2 minutes if there was a click or mousemove event -

i need refresh page after 10 minutes of inactivity.

what mean inactivity : no mouse move and/or no clicks on body

here's have far (that piece of code working fine)

idletime = 0;  function timerincrement() {     idletime = idletime + 1;      if (idletime > 10) {     window.location.reload();     } }  $j(document).ready( function(e) {     var idleinterval = setinterval("timerincrement()", 60000); // 1 min      $j(this).mousemove(function () {         idletime = 0;     });      $j(this).click(function () {         idletime = 0;     }); } 

what dont here, fact reseting timer on every single mousemove event. , im worried performance.

what : check every 2 minutes if mouse position changed. if yes increment timer. not sure how that.

any help?

you add flag variable (eg: hasmousemoved, update on mousemove hander , remove event handler, whenever timer fires change code to:

if ((idletime > 10) || (idletime%2==0 && hasmousemoved)) {       window.location.reload(); } 


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