android - Pending Intent extras are missing when receive -

i have problem sending extras pending intent. i'm adding string in statech service , sending mainactivity. mainactivity starts expected string have put there missing.

public class mainactivity extends activity {   public void onresume() {     super.onresume();   string recmessage = this.getintent().getstringextra("message");   if(recmessage.equals("")) {     log.v("recmessage", "none");   } else {    log.v("recmessage", "something");   }     // ..  } }

public class statech extends service {  //...     private void notificationu(string title, string text)  {      //the intent launch when user clicks expanded notification     intent intent = new intent(this, mainactivity.class);     intent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top | intent.flag_activity_single_top);     intent.putextra("message", "ssss");     intent.setaction("actionstring" + system.currenttimemillis());      pendingintent pendintent = pendingintent.getactivity(this, 0, intent, pendingintent.flag_update_current);       notification noti2 = new notificationcompat.builder(this)      .setcontenttitle(title)      .setcontenttext(text)      .setsmallicon(r.drawable.warning)      .setcontentintent(pendintent)      .build();       mnotificationmanager = (notificationmanager) getsystemservice(context.notification_service);      mnotificationmanager.notify(123456, noti2);     }      // ...        } 

check using textutils

if (!textutils.isempty(recmessage)) {  // here require condition  } 


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