web services - Error on Spring REST webservice call -

i have following webservice call

@requestmapping(value = "modifyuser/{userdn}", method = requestmethod.post, headers="accept=application/json")     public @responsebody     jsonobject modifyuser(@pathvariable string userdn, @requestbody directoryuser directoryuser) {          // modify user         boolean modifieduser = this.authenticationservice.modifyuser(userdn, directoryuser.getpassword(), directoryuser);          // build jsonobject         jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject();         jsonobject.put("modifyuser", modifieduser);         return jsonobject;     } 

i using following client method access above rest webservice.

string url = "http://www.local.com:8080/commonauth-1.0-snapshot/api/authentication/modifyuser/";             defaulthttpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();             httppost httppost = new httppost(url + "user6.external")              jsonobject ob = new jsonobject();             ob.put("description", "updated");             system.out.println(ob.tostring());             stringentity entity = new stringentity(ob.tostring());             entity.setcontenttype("application/json");                     httppost.setentity(entity);             httpresponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);             httpentity httpentity = httpresponse.getentity(); 

i "the server refused request because request entity in format not supported requested resource requested method" error. wrong in code. able access other webservice calls without using @requestbody , using simple path variables. issue @requestbody , how using httppost.

public class directoryuser { private string displayname;     private string fullname;     private string username;     private string firstname;     private string lastname;     private string description;     private string country;     private string company;     private string phone;     private string emailaddress;     private string password;     private boolean expirepassword = true;       public string getdisplayname() {             return displayname;         }          public void setdisplayname(string displayname) {             this.displayname = displayname;         }          public string getfullname() {             return fullname;         }          public void setfullname(string fullname) {             this.fullname = fullname;         }          public string getusername() {             return username;         }          public void setusername(string username) {             this.username = username;         }          public string getfirstname() {             return firstname;         }          public void setfirstname(string firstname) {             this.firstname = firstname;         }          public string getlastname() {             return lastname;         }          public void setlastname(string lastname) {             this.lastname = lastname;         }          public string getdescription() {             return description;         }          public void setdescription(string description) {             this.description = description;         }          public string getcountry() {             return country;         }          public void setcountry(string country) {             this.country = country;         }          public string getcompany() {             return company;         }          public void setcompany(string company) {             this.company = company;         }          public string getphone() {             return phone;         }          public void setphone(string phone) {             this.phone = phone;         }          public string getemailaddress() {             return emailaddress;         }          public void setemailaddress(string emailaddress) {             this.emailaddress = emailaddress;         }          public string getpassword() {             return password;         }          public void setpassword(string password) {             this.password = password;         }          public boolean isexpirepassword() {             return expirepassword;         }          public void setexpirepassword(boolean expirepassword) {             this.expirepassword = expirepassword;             }  } 

json string posting {"description":"updated"}

                try {                 /* code */ if (httpresponse != null) {                             inputstream in = httpresponse.getentity().getcontent();                             stringbuffer out = new stringbuffer();                             int n = 1;                             while (n > 0) {                                 byte[] b = new byte[4096];                                 n = in.read(b);                                 if (n > 0)                                     out.append(new string(b, 0, n));                             }                             system.out.println(out.tostring());                         }                     } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 } 

can check status code says? also, please check if https.


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