forms - Integrate junction and lookup tables with a basic Access database -

i have simple database stores customer's name, city , state. i've added 2 new tables. 1 lookup table, describing car model, , second junction table setting 1 or more car models customer record.

here's relationship layout of now:

enter image description here

and datasheets each table. cust_id , model_id auto increment columns.


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

using scripting language, mysql , html whip complete form in few minutes. having little trouble figuring out how done in access 2007.

two features need are

  1. ability edit/add items lookup table
  2. ability add new customer records including selecting cars found in lookup table, while maintaining primary key relationships.


"mary jane" owns ford pinto , datson 510. when add info to-be-created form, cust_id 5, , 2 new entries show in junction table cust_id: 2 (ford) , 5 (datsun).

is there relatively painless way of setting form in access 2007?

edit: i've managed working far. subform lists correct model/cust associations, looking show combo box model_desc shown (not model id).

enter image description here

a form containing "subform" serve in case this.

  • you can create form named "owners" bound [demographics] table in can add/edit owner information (name, address, ...).

  • you can create "continuous forms" form named "cars_owned_subform" bound [junction_model] table. form contain combo box row source [lookup_model] table, displaying [model_desc] , returning [model_id].

  • then can add subform control "owners" table using subform wizard , link subform parent based on [cust_id]. move 1 owner next cars automatically update in subform, , if add new car in subform automatically associated [cust_id] of owner record being displayed.

as editing lookup table, create simple form edit [lookup_model] table.

edit re: question update

to have combo box displays [model_desc] , returns [model_id] you'll want have combo box "display" 2 columns first column has width of zero. is, format properties of combo box should include values like...

column count: 2
column widths: 0";1.3646"

...and data properties should include values like...

row source: lookup_model
bound column: 1

the final result this:


the subform in design view be:



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