Include new line character in value attribute of Liferay search container -

i have following line of code of search container. want include new line between 2 values want display..

<liferay-ui:search-container-column-text name='employee name'       value='<%=string.valueof(search.getempfname()) +  string.valueof(search.getemplname()) +"\n" + string.valueof(search.getemptitle()) %>'       href="" > 

the reason want way want these values in 1 box each row.

so how should format above code have:

 string.valueof(search.getempfname()) +  string.valueof(search.getemplname())  

on 1 line ,


on next line of same row.

converting comment answer:

you can try using <br> tag instead of "\n" this:

string.valueof(search.getemplname()) + "<br>" + string.valueof(search.getemptitle()` 

or can use <liferay-ui:search-container-column-jsp tag instead of <liferay-ui:search-container-column-text tag

or else use tag following:

<liferay-ui:search-container-column-text name='employee name' href="">    <%=string.valueof(search.getempfname()) + string.valueof(search.getemplname()) %>    <br>    <%= string.valueof(search.getemptitle()) %> </liferay-ui:search-container-column-text>*emphasized text**emphasized text* 


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