OpenCV 2.4.5 read and display image crash -

good morning all,

i encountering problem when attempting run simple program open , display image, program compile , run , create "my image" window, window solid gray, , program crashes no error other standard windows "test.exe has stopped working" shortly after opening window.

i using opencv 2.4.5 , code::blocks 12.11. of importance cannot add .dll's system variable "path" , result have pasted of .dll's project folder. appreciated, code giving me problems can seen below.

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> int main() {         // read image         cv::mat image= cv::imread("jellyfish.jpg");         // create image window named "my image"         cv::namedwindow("my image");         // show image on window         cv::imshow("my image", image);         // wait key 5000 ms         cv::waitkey(5000);         return 1; } 

maky sure have read image:

... // read image cv::mat image= cv::imread("jellyfish.jpg"); if ( == null) {      cerr << "image wasn't loaded! check path." << endl;      return 1; } ... 

update: after 2 minutes of googling found answer - bug , it's fixed now.


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