c# - service based database run in another PC -

i have been working on project related database (.mdf). have created windows forms in visual studio using c#. these forms work store, update , delete data service based database created.when run project in pc there problem in connection data base,i change connection string in pc smae problem.

sqlconnectionstringbuilder s = new sqlconnectionstringbuilder("data source=.\\sqlexpress;attachdbfilename=h:\\pdf_to_text_project_mbrm\\pdf-to-text convertor\\pdf-to-text convertor\\database1.mdf;integrated security=true;connect timeout=30;user instance=true"); 

can tell me how solve problem? error: attempt attach auto-named database file h:\pdf_to_text_project_mbrm\pdf-to-text convertor\pdf-to-text convertor\database1.mdf failed. database same name exists, or specified file cannot opened, or located on unc share.


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