ruby on rails - remove delete link only in activeadmin show page -

i working on active admin gem. want hide delete link only show page. so, added below code

activeadmin.register articlesskill   menu :parent => "readup"   actions :index, :show, :new, :create, :update, :edit    index     column :name, sortable: :name     column :description      column "" |resource|       links = ''.html_safe       links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.view'), resource_path(resource), :class => "member_link edit_link"       links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.edit'), edit_resource_path(resource), :class => "member_link edit_link"       if article.where(articles_skill_id:         links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.delete'), resource_path(resource), :method => :delete, :confirm => i18n.t('active_admin.delete_confirmation'), :class => "member_link delete_link"       else         # links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.delete'), "#", :confirm => ("this skill has related article. can't delete now"), :class => "member_link delete_link"         links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.delete'), resource_path(resource), :method => :delete, :confirm => i18n.t('active_admin.delete_confirmation'), :class => "member_link delete_link"       end       links     end   end  end 

this removing delete link show page, in index page if try delete record, showing error,

the action 'destroy' not found admin::articlesskillscontroller 

any 1 can me in this? please.

so old, found myself needing conditionally hide edit/destroy buttons on both index page , show page, , while helped me lot, felt more complete answer might others quicker.

let's give go...

conditionally show links on index

this 1 relatively straightforward, don't include "actions" , instead include own:

index   id_column   column :name   column :foo   column :bar   column :funded    # don't   # actions    # instead make our own column, no name looks aa   column "" |resource|     links = ''.html_safe     links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.view'), resource_path(resource), class: "member_link show_link"     if !resource.funded?       links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.edit'), edit_resource_path(resource), class: "member_link edit_link"       links += link_to i18n.t('active_admin.delete'), resource_path(resource), method: :delete, confirm: i18n.t('active_admin.delete_confirmation'), class: "member_link delete_link"     end     links   end end 

conditionally show buttons on show

here we'll have remove default buttons show page , add in buttons want:

# remove buttons show page config.action_items.delete_if { |item| item.display_on?(:show) }  # add in our own conditional edit button # (note: 'loan' registered model's name) action_item :edit,  only: [ :show ] , if: proc { !loan.funded? }   link_to "#{i18n.t('active_admin.edit')} loan", edit_resource_path(resource) end  # , our delete button action_item :delete,  only: [ :show ] , if: proc { !loan.funded? }   link_to "#{i18n.t('active_admin.delete')} loan", resource_path(resource), method: :delete, confirm: i18n.t('active_admin.delete_confirmation') end  # , our (custom) fund loan button action_item :fund_loan, only: [ :show ], if: proc { !loan.funded? }   link_to 'fund loan', fund_loan_admin_loan_path(loan), method: :patch end  # our custom actions code member_action :fund_loan, method: :patch   if     redirect_to resource_path(resource), notice: 'loan funded'   else     redirect_to resource_path(resource), alert: "loan funding failed : #{resource.errors.full_messages}"   end end 

hopefully helps out stumbles upon page. happy coding =]


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