java - Populating a ListView with Objects from Android -

i'm trying fill listview objects database @, i'm having trouble because listview not accept objects directly. i've tried making array of strings looping through objects , casting them strings failed. have tried call .tostring on objects no luck either.

my plan loop through of parse objects , add them listview. listview used allow user search through of objects objects should replace listview_array[] data....ex replace "budweiser", "dubra" etc....

the loop did create retrieve objects names, prices, size did work, not place listview since believe object.

here's code

package com.alpha.dealtap;  import java.lang.reflect.array; import java.util.list; import java.util.arraylist; import; import android.content.intent; import android.os.bundle; import android.text.editable; import android.text.textwatcher; import android.util.log; import android.view.view; import android.widget.arrayadapter; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.listview;  import com.parse.findcallback; import com.parse.parse; import com.parse.parseexception; import com.parse.parseobject; import com.parse.parsequery;  public class search_page extends activity {      private listview lv;     private edittext et;     public string listview_array[] = { "budweiser", "dubra", "corona",             "jack daniels", "smirnoff", "keystone light", "natural ice" };     private arraylist<string> array_sort = new arraylist<string>();     public arraylist<object> _arraylist = new arraylist<object>();     int textlength = 0;     parseobject dealsobject;     int n = 0;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.search_page);          parse.initialize(this, "vuz23z6zdil1jbxbvwelpssdu1cltu3yig30ztwy",                 "4btyoq1qqkows8qvjv7lvu3zoksrrlfyocpzffwj");          // using parsequery...i can grab/locate objects parse         // grabbed objects have burnettes , price         // of         // may need set limit on how many results         // far think limited 100 default         parsequery query = new parsequery("deals");          // query.whereequalto("brand", "burnettes");         query.findinbackground(new findcallback() {              @override             public void done(list<parseobject> objects, parseexception e) {                 if (e == null) {                     log.d("brand", "retrieved " + objects.size() + " brands");                     (parseobject dealsobject : objects) {                         // use dealsobject.get('columnname') access                         // properties of deals object                          object brands = dealsobject.get("brand").tostring();                          _arraylist.add(brands);                         listview_array = _arraylist;                         //having trouble putting strings array list....have cast arraylist , causes error!                           log.d("size", (string) dealsobject.get("size"));                         log.d("price", (string) dealsobject.get("price"));                         log.d("brand", (string) dealsobject.get("brand"));                         n++;                     }                  } else {                     log.d("brand", "error: " + e.getmessage());                 }             }         });             button store = (button) findviewbyid(;         button deal = (button) findviewbyid(;          lv = (listview) findviewbyid(;         et = (edittext) findviewbyid(;         lv.setadapter(new arrayadapter<object>(this,                 android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1, listview_array));          et.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() {             public void aftertextchanged(editable s) {                 // abstract method of textwatcher interface.             }              public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int count,                     int after) {                 // abstract method of textwatcher interface.             }              public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int before,                     int count) {                 textlength = et.gettext().length();                 array_sort.clear();                 (int = 0; < listview_array.length; i++) {                     if (textlength <= listview_array[i].length()) {                         if (et.gettext()                                 .tostring()                                 .equalsignorecase(                                         (string) listview_array[i].subsequence(                                                 0, textlength))) {                             array_sort.add(listview_array[i]);                         }                     }                 }                 lv.setadapter(new arrayadapter<string>(search_page.this,                         android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1, array_sort));             }         });          store.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             // when use need onclick method inside             // of              @override             public void onclick(view arg0) {                 // todo auto-generated method stub                 startactivity(new intent("com.alpha.dealtap.storepage"));             }          });          deal.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             // when use need onclick method inside             // of              @override             public void onclick(view arg0) {                 // todo auto-generated method stub                 startactivity(new intent("com.alpha.dealtap.dealpage"));              }          });      }      protected void onlistitemclick(listview l, view v, int position, long id) {          // cheese equals position item         // depends on item clicked         string cheese = "tapdeal";         try {             class ourclass = class.forname("com.alpha.dealtap." + cheese);             intent ourintent = new intent(search_page.this, ourclass);             startactivity(ourintent);         } catch (classnotfoundexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }      }      @override     protected void onpause() {          super.onpause();     } 

you can use baseadapter class custom listview. here code that.

list<parseobject> parse = new arraylist<parseobject>();  public class customchannellistadapter extends baseadapter {      private context context;      public customchannellistadapter(context context) {         super();         this.context = context;     }      @override     public int getcount() {         if (parse != null) {             return parse.size();         }         return 0;     }      @override     public channel getitem(int position) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         return parse.get(position);     }      @override     public long getitemid(int position) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         return 0;     }      @override     public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {          view view = convertview;         textview tittle = null;         textview desc = null;         textview nowplaying = null;         if (view == null) {             layoutinflater inflater = ((activity) context)                     .getlayoutinflater();             view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.video_listrow, parent, false);          } else {             view = convertview;         }         tittle = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;         desc = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;          nowplaying = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;         if (parse!= null) {              if (parse.get(position).getname() != null) {                 tittle.settext(parse.get(position).getname()                         .tostring());             } else {                 tittle.settext("----------------------");             }              if (parse.get(position).getdesc() != null) {                 desc.settext(parse.get(position).getdesc()                         .tostring());             } else {                 desc.settext("------------------------");             }          }          return view;     }  } 


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <relativelayout xmlns:android=""     android:layout_width="400dp"     android:layout_height="75dp"     android:background="@drawable/videolist_selector"     android:orientation="horizontal"     android:paddingleft="5dp"     android:paddingright="5dp" >       <!-- title of song -->      <textview         android:id="@+id/title"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:paddingtop="5dp"         android:textcolor="@color/orange"         android:textsize="18dip"         android:textstyle="bold"         android:typeface="sans"           android:ellipsize="marquee"         android:freezestext="true"         android:marqueerepeatlimit="marquee_forever"         android:paddingleft="5dip"         android:scrollhorizontally="true"         android:singleline="true"         android:text="tittle not found " />      <!-- artist name -->      <textview         android:id="@+id/descp"         android:layout_width="fill_parent"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_below="@id/title"         android:layout_margintop="1dip"         android:layout_torightof="@+id/thumbnail"         android:paddingtop="5dp"         android:textcolor="@color/white"         android:textsize="12dip"         android:textstyle="bold"         android:typeface="sans"          android:ellipsize="marquee"         android:freezestext="true"         android:marqueerepeatlimit="marquee_forever"         android:paddingleft="5dip"         android:scrollhorizontally="true"         android:singleline="true"         android:text="description not found"        />      <!-- rightend duration -->     <!--          <textview         android:id="@+id/duration"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_alignparentright="true"         android:layout_aligntop="@id/title"         android:gravity="right"         android:text="5:45"         android:layout_marginright="5dip"         android:textsize="10dip"         android:textcolor="#10bcc9"         android:textstyle="bold"/>     -->       <!-- rightend arrow -->     <!--         <imageview android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:src="@drawable/arrow"         android:layout_alignparentright="true"         android:layout_centervertical="true"/>     -->      <textview         android:id="@+id/nowplayingid"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_alignparentbottom="true"         android:layout_alignparentright="true"         android:layout_marginbottom="5dp"         android:layout_marginright="4dp"         android:text="now playing..."         android:textcolor="@color/red"         android:textsize="12dp" />  </relativelayout> 

in activity code

     listview videolist = (listview) findviewbyid(_);    customchannellistadapter channeladapter = new customchannellistadapter(plasmaview.this);                 videolist.setadapter(channeladapter); 


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