Neo4jConfig, no default constructor found. Spring REST Hateoas problems -

been fighting while, cannot past exception no matter combination of spring/neo versions use.

any appreciated.

full stacktrace:

org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception:  error creating bean name 'organizationrepository':  cannot resolve reference bean 'neo4jtemplate' while setting bean property 'neo4jtemplate';  nested exception org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception:  error creating bean name '$neo4jconfig':  instantiation of bean failed; nested exception org.springframework.beans.beaninstantiationexception:  not instantiate bean class [$neo4jconfig$$enhancerbycglib$$d147012]:  no default constructor found; nested exception java.lang.nosuchmethodexception:$neo4jconfig$$enhancerbycglib$$d147012.<init>()

//@import({jpaconfig.class, mongoconfig.class}) //@importresource("classpath:meta-inf/spring/security-config.xml") @configuration @import({neo4jconfig.class}) public static class appconfig {      @bean(initmethod = "loaddata")     public neo4jloader dataloader() {         return new neo4jloader();     }  }  //public class neo4jrepositoryconfig extends neo4jconfiguration { @enabletransactionmanagement @enableneo4jrepositories(basepackages = "") @configuration public class neo4jconfig extends neo4jconfiguration {      static final string db_path = "target/neo4j-test-db";      @bean  //(destroymethod = "shutdown")     public embeddedgraphdatabase graphdatabaseservice() throws ioexception {         fileutils.deleterecursively(new file(db_path));         return new embeddedgraphdatabase(db_path);     }      @bean     public neo4jtemplate neo4jtemplate() throws ioexception {         return new neo4jtemplate(graphdatabaseservice());     }      @bean     public neo4jmappingcontext neo4jmappingcontext() {         return new neo4jmappingcontext();     }      @bean     public jtatransactionmanagerfactorybean transactionmanager() throws exception {         return new jtatransactionmanagerfactorybean(graphdatabaseservice());     }      @bean     public neo4jexceptiontranslator exceptiontranslator() {         return new neo4jexceptiontranslator();     }      /**     @bean(initmethod = "loaddata")     public neo4jloader neo4jloader() {         return new neo4jloader();     }     */ }} (a node)

@nodeentity public class organization {      @graphid     private long id;      //@indexed(unique = true, indexname = "geo")     string name; } 


package; import; public interface organizationrepository extends graphrepository<organization> { } 


<properties>     <>utf-8</>     <spring.version>3.2.2.release</spring.version>     <>3.2.0.m1</>     <springdata-jpa.version>1.3.1.release</springdata-jpa.version>     <springdata-neo4j.version>2.2.0.release</springdata-neo4j.version>     <springdata-rest-webmvc.version>1.1.0.m1</springdata-rest-webmvc.version>     <jackson.version>2.1.2</jackson.version>     <slf4j.version>1.7.2</slf4j.version> </properties> 

here full stacktrace:

the solution move class neo4jconfig out of webappinitializer class.


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