java - draw() method is not being called in GMaps Overlay Method -

my draw() method in custom overlay class extends lazymarker google maps extension library not being called , i'm not sure why. here method:

@override public void draw(canvas canvas, googlemap mapview, boolean shadow) {   log.e("segmentoverlay2", "shadow value:"+shadow);   super.draw( canvas, mapview, shadow );   if( !shadow )   {      log.e("segementoverlay2", "projection value segmentoverlay2: "+mapview.getprojection());      mprojectionproxy.setprojection( mapview.getprojection() );       draw(canvas);   } } 

i'm using gmaps v2. wrong code? this correct way this?

you seem mixing android api v1 , v2. if had application used api v1, cannot replace mapview googlemap , think work.

the easiest way migrate remove code used api v1 , write scratch using these directions:

android maps extensions has api extends api google maps android v2 , not in migration either.


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