Delphi interface generic function - Is there a work around? -
i have following code
iproxy<t> = interface ['{1e3a98c5-78ba-4d65-a4ba-b6992b8b4783}'] function setup : isetup<t>; function proxy : t; function castas<i : iinterface> : iinterface; end;
is there way work around compiler error received when compiling?
"[dcc error] delphi.mocks.pas(123): e2535 interface methods must not have parameterized methods"
basically have interface passed around , able cast off it, passing in type cast , having type returned. can achieve class, prefer passing around interface.
additional info:
say have following class
tinterfaceproxy<t> = class(tbaseproxy<t>) private type tproxyvirtualinterface = class(tvirtualinterface) private fproxy : tinterfaceproxy<t>; protected public function queryinterface(const iid: tguid; out obj): hresult; override; stdcall; constructor create(aproxy : tinterfaceproxy<t>; ainterface: pointer; invokeevent: tvirtualinterfaceinvokeevent); end; private fvirtualinterfaces : tdictionary<tguid, tproxyvirtualinterface>; protected function internalqueryinterface(const iid: tguid; out obj): hresult; stdcall; function queryinterface(const iid: tguid; out obj): hresult; override; function proxy : t;override; function castas<i: iinterface> : i; public constructor create;override; destructor destroy;override; end;
castas works here newly requested cast can created new virtual interface. if want pass class around fine. if require interface i.e. tinterfaceproxy<t> = class(tbaseproxy<t>, iproxy<t>)
doesn't work understand that. don't agree it, understand.
therefore how around restriction can call castas function, pass in type (any interface type start with), , able create virtual interface it?
interfaces not support generic parameterized methods, compiler says.
there no workaround because it's fundamental limitation. parameterized methods in classes implemented adding 1 method per instantiation class. works classes since concrete, not viable interfaces. that's because interfaces table of functions , size of table cannot vary depending on generic method instantiations happen present elsewhere in code. similar reasons, generic methods cannot virtual or dynamic.
the code in question little mis-leading also. wrote:
function castas<i : iinterface> : iinterface;
but i'm sure meant:
function castas<i : iinterface> : i;
in case, it's not possible. 1 option use class instead. agree bind.
if want in interface, best can is:
function castas(const iid: tguid): iinterface;
but you'd have call this:
myintf := proxyintf.castas(imyintf) imyintf;
which feels foul.
choose poison!
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