jsf 2 - Passing parameter in EL action doesn't work with RequestScoped bean -

edit: using jsf scopes , jsf managedbean instead of cdi doesn't work cdi beans regardless of requestscoped, conversationscoped or sessionscoped.

i'm trying pass parameter function on bean this:

<h:commandbutton action="#{bean.update(wp.nr)}" value="update" /> 

however update function called if make bean viewscoped, not when requestscoped. using viewscoped doesn't seem work know whether use of @ least viewscoped requirement passing parameters in el calls in action or requestscoped should work , there else going on.

this on glassfish

the bean looks this

import javax.faces.bean.managedbean; import javax.faces.bean.requestscoped;  @managedbean(name="bean") @requestscoped public class filiaalbean implements serializable {     private static final logger log = logger.getlogger(filiaalbean.class.getname());      @inject     testejb testejb;      // removed data member ,  getter , setters      public string update(int wpnr) {         log.info("test " + integer.tostring(wpnr));         // todo call testejb         return "view?faces-redirect=true&amp;includeviewparams=true";     } } 


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