r - with GGplot2 is there a way to select only 1 chart from a graph with multiple correlation charts -
lets have following graph:
and want select 2nd graph of first row. how can ggplot function below:
plotall<-function(data,size=2, alpha=0.4){ combs <- expand.grid(names(data), names(data)) out <- do.call(rbind, apply(combs, 1, function(x) { tt <- data[, x]; names(tt) <- c("v1", "v2") tt <- cbind(tt, id1 = x[1], id2 = x[2]) })) library(plyr) df.text=ddply(out[out$id1==out$id2,],.(id1,id2),summarise, pos=max(v1)-(max(v1)-min(v1))/2) out[out$id1==out$id2,c("v1","v2")]<-na out$labels <- rownames(out) out$labels<-sapply(out$labels, function(x){ strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1] }) fam<-read.table('input/genomic_info_subset.tsv', sep='\t') idx<-match(out$labels,fam$v1) newcol<-fam$v4[idx] newcol<-as.character(newcol) out$fam<-newcol ggplot(data = out, aes(x = v2, y = v1)) + geom_text(data = out[!is.na(out$v1),], aes(label = labels, colour=fam), size=size, alpha=alpha) + facet_grid(id1 ~ id2,scales="fixed")+ geom_text(data=df.text,aes(pos,pos,label=id1)) + geom_abline( slope=1 ) + ggtitle("corralation between measured & calculated affinities") + ylab("") + xlab("") + theme(panel.grid.minor.x=element_blank(), panel.grid.major.x=element_blank()) }
so can somewhere in code, select 2nd of 1st row? or more easy extract data frame out of function , plot 1 separate? know function inappropriate reproducing question, if neccecary provide .tsv , dput data.
by far easiest solution subset data relevant second column of first row. extracting plots these kinds of facet plots possible, not trivial.
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