Display highchart tooltip using Jquery ui dialog -

i want display values of multiple text areas tooltip various points in highchart graph.on button click dialog box open containing text areas.on clicking ok button these inputs displayed tooltip of various points of highchart line graph..i able take input text areas when trying put them inside custom dialog box jquery ui custom dialog box not getting displayed along highcharts graph..

i have used code tooltip..

dialog box code..

$(document).ready(function () {     $("#dialog").dialog({         autoopen: false,         width: 350,         height: 500,         modal : true,         resizable: false,         show:"slow"     });      $('#button').click(function() {         $( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );         $("#mydialogtext").text("data");     }); }); 

here js fiddle.. http://jsfiddle.net/rbenu/13/

i have used input selector take values text area.do need add specific selectors custom dialog box or existing ones work??

i think problem in way included js libraries, had several jqueryui libaries, , had error in console

object [object object] has no method 'highcharts' 

does this one work ?


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