java - Double to Number -
how convert double number in java, in code below?
public number parse(string text, parseposition status) { // find best number (defined 1 longest parse) int start = status.index; int furthest = start; double bestnumber = double.nan; double tempnumber = 0.0; (int = 0; < choiceformats.length; ++i) { string tempstring = choiceformats[i]; if (misc.regionmatches(start, tempstring, 0, tempstring.length(), text)) { status.index = start + tempstring.length(); tempnumber = choicelimits[i]; if (status.index > furthest) { furthest = status.index; bestnumber = tempnumber; if (furthest == text.length()) break; } } } status.index = furthest; if (status.index == start) { status.errorindex = furthest; } int c= 0; return new double(bestnumber); }
but in eclipse shows
type mismatch: cannot convert double number
actually code belongs
class java.text
java.lang.double subclass of java.lang.number. hence posted code shouldn't show compilation error if returning java.lang.double
method returns java.lang.number
as jon skeet pointed out, "you've got different double type or different number type somewhere". please double check see if using java.lang.double
, java.lang.number
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