javascript - twisted websocket chatserver openid authentication -

i have python chatserver uses twisted , autobahn websockets connection.

factory = messageserverfactory("ws://localhost:9000", debug=debug, debugcodepaths=debug) factory.protocol = messageserverprotocol factory.setprotocoloptions(allowhixie76=true) listenws(factory) 

this server

import logging autobahn.websocket import websocketserverfactory, websocketserverprotocol databaseconnector import dbconnector loginmanager import loginmanager messagetypes import messageparser  class messageserverprotocol(websocketserverprotocol): def onopen(self):     self.factory.register(self)  def onmessage(self, msg, binary):     if not binary:         self.factory.processmessage(self, msg)  def connectionlost(self, reason):     websocketserverprotocol.connectionlost(self, reason)     self.factory.unregister(self)   class messageserverfactory(websocketserverfactory):  logging.basicconfig(filename='log/dastan.log',format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s',level=logging.warning)  def __init__(self, url, debug=false, debugcodepaths=false):     websocketserverfactory.__init__(self, url, debug=debug, debugcodepaths=debugcodepaths)     self.clients = {}     self.connector = dbconnector()     self.messages = messageparser()     self.manager = loginmanager()  def register(self, client):     print "%s connected" % client.peerstr  def unregister(self, client):     if self.clients.has_key(client):         self.processlogout(client)     print "%s disconnected" % client.peerstr  def processmessage(self, client, msg):     try:         msg = self.messages.parsemessage(msg)         action = msg['type']     except valueerror, e:         logging.warning("[parse]:%s", e.message)         client.sendmessage(self.messages.createerrormessage("could not parse message"))         return      if action == "chatmessage":         self.processchatmessage(client, msg)     # elif action == "login":     #   self.processlogin(client, msg)     # elif action == "logout":     #   self.processlogout(client)     elif action == "openid":         self.manager.processlogin(client,msg)   def processchatmessage(self, client, msg):     if not self.clients.has_key(client):         client.sendmessage(self.messages.createerrormessage('not authorized'))         return      if not msg['message']:         client.sendmessage(self.messages.createerrormessage('invalid message'))         return      if not msg['recipient']:         client.sendmessage(self.messages.createerrormessage('invalid recipient'))         return      if msg['recipient'] in self.clients.values():         c in self.clients:             if self.clients[msg['recipient']]:                 c.sendmessage(self.messages.chatmessage(msg['sender'], msg['message']))                 print "sent message %s %s: '%s' .." % (msg['sender'], msg['recipient'], msg['message'])     else:         client.sendmessage(self.messages.createerrormessage('user not registered'))  def checksender(self, user, client):     if user in self.clients.values() , self.clients[client] == user:         return     else:         self.clients[client] = user 

an independent html/js client can connect , send chat messages. want implement open id authentication (performed server), before opening websocket.

this onload function:

var wsuri = "ws://";  if ("websocket" in window) {     sock = new websocket(wsuri); } else if ("mozwebsocket" in window) {     sock = new mozwebsocket(wsuri); } else {     log("browser not support websocket!");     window.location = ""; }  if (sock) {     sock.onopen = function () {         log("connected " + wsuri);     }      sock.onclose = function (e) {         log("connection closed (wasclean = " + e.wasclean + ", code = " + e.code + ", reason = '" + e.reason + "')");         sock = null;     }      sock.onmessage = function (e) {         receive(;     } } 

as i'm new python/twisted don't know how , examples show websocket chatroom without authentification.

how can implement openid properly? requires redirection, break ws connection.

you cannot open ws before redirection. open after , code should work.

good luck.

by way, google on it's homepage.


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