gorm - Grails eager dynamic finder -

if load list of domain classes using dynamic finder, e.g.

list<book> books = book.findallbypublicationyear(2013) 

my understanding list of books lazily loaded, such if iterate on them

books.each { println "$it.title" } 

i execute n + 1 queries. there way make dynamic finder eagerly load list of books (without rewriting query using hql or criteria)?

dynamic finder eager fetch (non-associated) members of domain. example, if publicationyear being part of book run 1 query books matching plublicationyear. query looks like

select this_.id id0_0_, this_.version version0_0_,  this_.name name0_0_,this_.publication_year publicat4_0_0_  book this_  this_.publication_year=? 

in case have association in book (author) can programmatically in domain class whether want fetch association eagerly or lazily using mapping:(default lazy)

static mapping = {         author lazy: false //or authors if have multiple authors book     } 


static fetchmode = [author: 'eager']


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