sql server - SQL Query is taking too long to execute -

hi below query written sql 2008. takes more 2 hours insert 500000 records. 1 suggest way improve performance?

insert tbluserfile select     case         when ud.identitystatus = 'a' 'active'         when ud.identitystatus in ('t','') 'inactive'         when ud.identitystatus null ''     end,     --'ud.is' "status",     isnull(ud.hltid,'') "userid",     isnull(ud.hltid,'') "username",     isnull(ud.firstname,'') "firstname",     isnull(ud.lastname,'') "lastname",     isnull(ud.middleinitials,'') "mi",     '' "gender",     isnull(ud.emailaddress,'') "email",     case         when su.usertype = 'c' isnull(mcu.manager, '') ----look         when su.usertype = 'r' 'from lms superviser'         when su.usertype null or su.usertype = ''  ''     end,     '' hr,     '' "department",     '' "jobcode",     '' "division",     isnull(ud.office,'') "location",     '' "timezone",     '' "hiredate",     isnull(ud.title,'') "title",     isnull(ud.streetaddress,'') "addr1",     '' "addr2",     isnull(ud.city,'') "city",     isnull(ud.state,'') "state",     isnull(ud.zip,'') "zip",     isnull(ud.countrycode,'') "country",      '' "review_freq",     '' "last_review_date",     isnull(ud.employeetype,'') "custom01",     '' "custom02",     case         when su.usertype = 'c' ''          when su.usertype = 'r' isnull(fsbd.name,'')         when su.usertype null or su.usertype = ''  ''     end,     '' "custom04",     '' "custom05",     '' "custom06",     '' "custom07",     '' "custom08",     case         when su.usertype = 'c' 'corporate'         when su.usertype = 'r' 'hotel'         when su.usertype null or su.usertype = ''  ''     end,     isnull(ud.empid,'') "custom11",     '' "custom13",     '' "custom14",     '' "custom15",     '' "positioncode",     isnull(su.homefacility, '') "homefacility",     'nps' psflag search..userdata ud     left join search..managerforcorpusers mcu ------     on mcu.empid = ud.empid     , ud.empid != ''     , ud.empid not null     left join search..securityusers su ------     on ud.userid = su.userid     , ud.userid != ''     , ud.userid not null     left join eis.dbo.newqueryfilter nq     on su.homefacility = nq.fcnb     , su.homefacility != ''     , su.homefacility not null     left join facility..fcsubbranddesc fsbd     on nq.subbrand = fsbd.subbrand     , nq.subbrand != ''     , nq.subbrand not null      isnull(ud.identitystatus,'') not in ('d','u','l')     , isnull(ud.employeetype,'') not in ('o','v','')     , isnull(ud.hltid,'')  != ''     , isnull(ud.empid,'') not in (select distinct userid search..currentuserfile) 

have tried avoiding inner query distinct query?

what size of search..currentuserfile??

try -

select .... search..userdata ud     ...  -- earlier joins     left join search..currentuserfile cu on (ud.empid=cu.userid)     ... -- clause     , cu.userid null;--only show results not in currentuserfile 


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