Android tools abort with a 'segmentation fault' -

i've updated android sdk revision 21.1 , android ndk r8e. using ubuntu 12.10 (inside vimware on top of windows 7 host.)

every time run tool platform tools or ndk tools i'm getting segmentation fault response. segmentation fault message printed on terminal. when check returned error code (echo $?) 139 (which means segmentation fault).

among tools tried adb , ndk-build

i tried remove related sdk , ndk , downloaded them again got same result.

i'm frustrated, spent few days digging internet found nothing.

has encountered problem?

you try modify run configuration this

tab 'main' > application = /bin/sh tab 'arguments' > 'program arguments' = -c "debug/name_of_executable arg0 arg1 ... 2> /dev/stdout"

(replace "arg0 arg1 ..." program arguments, if any) eclipse console output both stdout, stderr , segmentation fault message (prefixed "/bin/sh: line 1 ...") note : used solution on older release of eclipse symptoms same.


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