java - How to make the StreamTokenizer to recognize chars blending with numbers as Words -
everything in question :) i'm developing calculator wich uses reverse polish notation. works fine except when streamtokenizer
encounters 354a
or 1b
. want here streamtokenizer
sees word , not number followed word. here code :
st = new streamtokenizer(f); st.resetsyntax(); st.eolissignificant(false); st.wordchars('a', 'z'); st.wordchars('a', 'z'); st.whitespacechars(32, 32); st.parsenumbers(); while (st.ttype != streamtokenizer.tt_eof){ int ttype = st.ttype; if (ttype == streamtokenizer.tt_number) { calc.empile(st.nval); } else{ if (!calc.stack.isempty()) { switch (ttype) { case '+':; break; case '-': calc.moins(); break; case '*': calc.mult(); break; case '/': calc.div(); break; } } } st.nexttoken(); }
there answer: streamtokenizer splits 001_to_003 2 tokens; how can prevent doing so?
but think this: how sidestep tt_number streamtokenizer
...and try parse doubles or ints iterating result.
hope helps, though there no clear answer question here...
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