osx mountain lion - Building Boost 1.53.0 Boost Log 2.0r862 on OSX 10.8.3 -

i working @ building boost 1.53.0 boost log 2.0r862 on mac osx 10.8.2 , installed fake root keep /usr/lib* , /opt/lib* clean. built , installed boost with
./bootstrap --prefix=/path/to/myfakerootdir
and installed library with
./b2 install

built , installed successfully; when running cmake on project detects library include , lib directory. yet after completes building , attempts run executable

dyld: library not loaded: libboost_system.dylib referenced from: /users/brad/dev/strata/strataextract/build/debug/strataextractunittests reason: image not found

some possible issues i've researched include:
1.using otool change executable manually (though seems "hacky" solution)
2.use modified portfile @ github macports overlay (though current version offered old project.
3.multiple build tutorials on boost, unfortunately referencing bjam understand no longer practice.
seem remember of similar situation requiring me set relative path false, unsure how boost + bjam.


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