prolog - How can extract the module's name in a file? -

how can extract module's name , optional predicates present in file?

if have containing call 1 or more modules, how can extract name of these modules , name of predicates in module declaration?

example: if file contains call module

:- use_module(library(lists), [ member/2,                                 append/2 list_concat                               ]). :- use_module(library(option). 

i want create predicate extract(

and output list=[[list,member,append],[option]]


assuming swi-prolog (as tagged). write similar in logtalk adapter file prolog compiler:

list_of_exports(file, module, exports) :-     absolute_file_name(file, path, [file_type(prolog), access(read), file_errors(fail)]),     module_property(module, file(path)),    % succeeds loaded modules     module_property(module, exports(exports)),     !. list_of_exports(file, module, exports) :-     absolute_file_name(file, path, [file_type(prolog), access(read), file_errors(fail)]),     open(path, read, in),     (   peek_char(in, #) ->                 % deal #! script; if not present         skip(in, 10)                        % assume module declaration     ;   true                                % first directive on file     ),     setup_call_cleanup(true, read(in, moduledecl), close(in)),     moduledecl = (:- module(module, exports)),     (   var(module) ->         file_base_name(path, base),         file_name_extension(module, _, base)     ;   true     ). 

note code doesn't deal encoding/1 directives might present first term of file. code written long ago of swi-prolog author.


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