php - can anyone see why this wont post to wall? -

i had things working until started peronalising of it, , when try post wall, wont post, before changed button.

this post page if statement

$status2 = $_post['status2'];  $uid = $facebook->getuser();  $args = array(     'message'   => $_post['status2'],     'link'      => '',     'caption'   => 'translate english geordie' );  if(isset($_post['post']))  {  $post_id = $facebook->api("/$uid/feed", "post", $args); header( "refresh: 5; url=index.php"); }  ?> 

obviolsy problem lies statement somwhere because wont post , wont redirect.

my page leads post.php

<div align="center"> <form method="post" action="post.php" > <textarea name="status2" cols="50" rows="5"/> <?php echo str_ireplace(array ('old','awkward','all','again','behind','along','alright','hello','among','children','yes','child','kids','food','barnard castle','beer','book','blow','beautiful','bird','burst','brown','burn','boots'),  array ('auld', 'aakwad', 'aall','agyen','ahint','alang','alreet','alreet','amang','bairns','aye','bairn','bairns','bait','barney','beor','beuk','blaa','bonny','bord','borst','broon','bourn','byeuts'),$status); ?>   </textarea><br> <input type="image" name="post" src="images/posttowall.png" /> </form>  </div> 

i cant feel issue lies button name, when change 'submit' example, still gives same issue.

i hope can help

you need include section perfoms authorization facebook graph api. add top of code.

<?php include_once("facebook.php");  $app_id = "*****your_app_id*****"; $app_secret = "*******your_app_secret*********";  $facebook = new facebook(array(   'appid'  => $app_id,   'secret' => $app_secret  ));  $uid = $facebook->getuser(); 


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